The professional world of the 21st century is no longer centred on the employee. More and more people, especially young people, are turning to entrepreneurship. To facilitate the administrative process, a new status has even been created: auto-entrepreneurship. It is mainly intended for young start-up entrepreneurs looking for a new opportunity. So what are the advantages of becoming an auto-entrepreneur?

Faster and easier business creation

With the employment crisis and the lack of income, the salary system is becoming less and less valuable. Many people want to start their own business and become their own boss. However, only a few are able to do so due to the complexity of the process and the search for funds. Indeed, in order to create a business, it is necessary to find financing and monthly income is not always enough to ensure it. With self-employment, this problem does not arise. The individual can become financially independent without having to spend a lot of money. Already, the procedures for setting up a business are simplified. A simple online registration is all that is needed to register a business. In addition, the charges levied on an auto-entrepreneur are lower than those levied on commercial companies or other types of associations. However, the auto-entrepreneur can receive the same benefits as partners or shareholders in a company. You can find out all about this regime on Compte pro.

An attractive tax regime

Another advantage of the microentrepreneur status is its tax status. Indeed, the auto-entrepreneur does not pay value added taxes, unlike other promoters. This can be a significant economic advantage, especially in terms of profit. Other tax charges are also exempt. This is the case for the Value Added Tax, which is only applicable to companies with a turnover exceeding 150,000 euros. This is also the case for the Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises.

A guarantee of a financial future

Self-employment is undoubtedly the status that most promises a better financial future. It can be seen that today's young people have many innovative and interesting ideas. Many individuals also want to make their projects a reality. But because of the complexity of the procedures for setting up a business, they hardly manage to realise them. Thanks to the auto-entrepreneur regime, the individual can easily create his or her own business. They can even set it up in their free time, without leaving their job or studies. This activity can also serve as a simple supplement to income, if one does not wish to devote oneself to it full-time. In short, with the auto-entrepreneur system, one can benefit from several sources of income, and this, on a permanent basis.